As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).
The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.
Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.
The text is single-spaced; uses a 12-point font; employs italics, rather than underlining (except with URL addresses); and all illustrations, figures, and tables are placed within the text at the appropriate points, rather than at the end.
The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.
Author Guidelines
Article Submission
América Latina en la Historia Económica only accepts original and unpublished articles, which have not been published on any print or electronic medium.
Texts are accepted in Spanish, English, French, and Portuguese.
The authors are solely responsible for the text content and any litigation or claim with regard to the rights of intellectual property, and must therefore be exonerated from the editors of the Journal. For article publication, authors are required to cede over the rights for electronic and printed reproduction, as well distribution rights, to América Latina en la Historia Económica.
Articles must have at least 7 500 words or 50 000 characters with spaces, and up to a maximum of 9 000 words or 54 000 characters with spaces, including notes, tables, figures, and references, which is equivalent to approximately 20 pages minimum and 30 pages maximum. In the case of summaries, there is a minimum of 2 500 words or 14 000 characters with spaces, and a maximum of 3 500 words or 21 000 characters with spaces, which is equivalent to approximately six to nine pages, respectively. Text to be used is Times New Roman font, size 12, with 1.5 line spacing and continuous pagination. Each paragraph must be indented on the first line, except following titles and subtitles. References and the placement of tables, graphs and maps must be indicated within the text and numbered in the order in which they are mentioned (with Arabic numerals).
Collaborations and additional files (images, tables, and/or graphs) are to be sent in electronic format (.odt, .doc, .docx, .pdf) through the online platform
Minimum elements and the order of the article structure must be as follows:
Title in the original language and its equivalent in Spanish, recommended length is two lines. It is recommended to avoid rhetorical or metaphorical phrases.
Sponsorship, scholarship, or institutional aid is to be included as a note following the author's name. It is not numbered, nor cited in the text.
A summary of the contents of the article must be presented, which contains the main objective and hypothesis, in the original language and its equivalent in Spanish (abstract), each with a maximum of 140 words or 800 characters with spaces, and four or five words or key descriptors in both languages (keywords). It is recommended to consult the OECD Macrothesaurus Chapter Headings at or the JEL Classification System at
The article must contain a thematic introduction, methodological and of historiographical debate, with each section, conclusions, and reference list clearly indicated.
Wording must be precise, avoiding rhetorical phrases, excessive adjectives, gerunds, and localisms in order for the articles to be clear and concise.
Citation style
Citations should be made within the text following the APA style (American Psychological Association).
The reference list should be made at the end of the text and the rules for citation and bibliographical references should be in accordance with the APA style.
The number of citations should be what is necessary for the development of the article.
References that are not cited within the body of the text should not be referenced in the bibliography.
Summaries should not contain references, and in the case of recommended literature within the summary, the author and year or the corresponding work should be mentioned, for example “the following books by Carlos Tello are Estado y desarrollo económico: México 1920-2006 (2007) and Sobre la desigualdad en México (2010)".
Graphics and additional files
Tables and graphics are to be sent in their original file (.xls, .cdr, .doc, .docx) with supporting data sets, unlocked, in grayscale, with title, source and, if necessary, the rights for printed or electronic publication.
Image inserts in Word or annexed to some other document will not be accepted.
It is important to avoid the reproduction of any printed image (reproduction of books); if necessary and with due legal authorization, the digitalization must be made at a resolution of 300 or 600 dpi, uncompressed, in grayscale, with a size of 16.5 x 23 cm.
Formats for images are in .tiff, .psd, .ai, .cdr, and .eps (in vectors, text in italics).
It is recommended to moderate the number of tables or graphics, considering that a large number of these can cause problems in the page formatting, in addition to disrupting reading. The optimal number of graphics per article is five to seven as a maximum. References for all graphics must be included at the foot of the image and the legends must be shown with clarity.
Formatting and Proofreading
Once the original has all the elements to be edited, it is passed to the Publication Sub-department for its entry into the Editorial Production Department, where the editing process will be carried out. In the case of doubts or clarification being needed, the author must resolve these issues within a maximum period of five business days from the notification of these by e-mail. In the case that there is no reply, the article may be pulled from the edition of the issue in question. Before sending the issue of the journal for printing, the collaborators will receive their article in pdf format for their approval, which must be returned within a period no greater than 72 hours with their explicit acceptance via e-mail. Making substantial changes is not allowed, only corrections that do not modify page formatting.
Having received approval for the edition of the issue, it is then sent for printing.
The authors will receive an electronic file of the final version of their collaboration and a printed issue per concept of authorship. They will, likewise, be notified on the appearance of their collaboration in the final electronic version of this journal.
Copyright Notice
América Latina en la Historia Económica is an Open Access publication under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial License, i.e. the use of the work and the creation of derived works is permissible, so long as this is not done for commercial purposes and the author is credited.