Editorial policy
Focus and Scope
ALHE is a journal specialized in the field of material and economic history of Latin America. This publication is aimed at researchers interested in the matter in order to seek and broaden a critical discussion about the historical-economic processes of said region.
Peer Review Process
ALHE uses The arbitration of the proposed manuscript is carried out by specialized peer reviewers. Once the manuscript has been registered on the portal by the author, and its relevance to be evaluated according to the theme of the journal by the Editorial Committee has been confirmed, it is assessed by two experts on the subject of the text. These specialists will determine the relevance of their publication.
The reviewers are suggested by the members of the Advisory Council and the Editorial Committee. In the event of a discrepancy between the evaluations, the postulated manuscript is sent to a third specialist, whose decision determines the final opinion.
In order to ensure a fair and impartial evaluation, when imprecise or biased evaluations are received, their revision will be the responsibility of the Editorial Committee.
The result of the evaluation is made known to the author together with the comments, suggestions, and observations of the reviewers within a maximum period of three months from the date the work was received. Inaccurate, biased, or non-contributing reviews will be skipped.
In all cases, the result of the evaluation is final.
When manuscripts are rejected because the topic does not correspond to the lines of the ALHE, no evaluation process is carried out.
When the evaluation result is positive and modifications are suggested, a request will be made to rework the manuscript based on the reviewers’ suggestions. The author may argue about the aspects with which he does not agree or choose to withdraw his manuscript.
The new version of the paper must be sent within a period of two weeks; if this period expires, the manuscript will be considered rejected.
The reworked manuscript will be sent to one of the specialists who originally refereed it to verify that the suggestions were made, and then to a new expert in the field in order to decide whether the original is accepted for publication.
Once the second version has been accepted by the reviewers, no new modifications may be made, except for the adaptation to the rules for submitting originals of the journal.
Publication frequency
ALHE is quarterly with advanced publications. The numbers are released the first days of January, May, and September.
Open Access Policy
ALHE provides open and immediate access to its content in order to promote the dissemination of knowledge.
ALHE is under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non-Commercial 4.0 International license (CC BY-NC 4.0) .
Archive / Preserve
This journal uses the LOCKSS system to create a distributed file system among collaborating libraries, allowing them to create permanent archives of the journal with conservation and restoration purposes.